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Chicago Kindergarten College Class Song of 1893 I. The Class of '93 Ever joyous, light and free, A chain has been linking together Of pearls pure and white From the Giver of the light And our chain shall reach from shore to shore. II. 'Mong birds, bees and flowers We've found through many hours The pearl so rare in its beauty -- That's what's done unto the least Brings of joy such a feast, And the heart ever grows in its beauty. Chorus:-- Oh, come join our ring And joyfully sing While flowers their fragrance are bringing; For love and unity Our song shall ever be, And our chain shall reach from shore to shore. III. All Trades we have seen, And the workers so serene Have given us a pearl fair and pure, And Five Knights with plume so white Showed us courage to do right And we'll fight to save the pearl of our country. IV. We've roamed through many lands And played on shining sands, The wind has tossed us on the oceans wide; While we've sat at Dante's feet, List'd to Homer's song so sweet, And Shakespeare has told us to his story. Chorus. V. Herodotus of old Brought riches untold And freedom to our chain is like gold, Like the sunshine so bright, All sparkline with pure light, Ever floats its rainbow before us. VI. The moon and stars above Have shone forth their love And sung songs of peace, sweet peace, And now let us sing And forever let us sing Love's old sweet song we love so well. Chorus.
Publication Date
Chicago, IL
Class Songs, Chicago Kindergarten College
Recommended Citation
Chicago Kindergarten College, "Class Song of 1893 of the Chicago Kindergarten College" (1893). NLU Historical Documents and Books. 3.
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