Degree Date


Document Type

Dissertation - Public Access

Degree Name

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Academic Discipline

Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Daniel C. Buckman

Second Advisor

James L. Schott

Third Advisor

Dale E. Moxley


The goals of my three-year doctoral program are imbedded in my professional and personal desire to offer students the best possible options for learning. Professionally, I endeavored to improve and advance the quality of online education in my school district. Personally, my goal was to learn about recent advancements in the educational modality I have so passionately embraced for the past nine years. My vision was that my research would directly impact the expansion and improvement process of the virtual education program locally and add to the body of research referencing online and blended learning. Professionally, I have witnessed the impact of my research with the addition of a local kindergarten through fifth grade option for district online learners, instructors providing regular live lessons for their students, increased face-to-face tutorials, and the allocation of lab facilitators to each traditional high school. These transformations were initiated based on the research and analysis I conducted and shared with district leadership.


