Degree Date


Document Type

Dissertation - Public Access

Degree Name

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Academic Discipline

Curriculum, Advocacy, and Policy

First Advisor

Dr. Efron

Second Advisor

Dr. Rashid

Third Advisor

Dr. Elkordy


All children warrant a rich, meaningful public education that prepares them for the opportunities, responsibilities, and challenges that await them as contributing members of a democratic society and a global economy. Based on testing calendars, teacher testimonials, and applied research from other state and local mandated testing studies, this study found that the length of time students spend taking and preparing for the test is extensive. CBS News (2015) noted between 20-25 hours are spent by each student taking standardized assessments, according to a comprehensive report of 66 of the nation’s large-city school districts by the Council of the Great City Schools. Standardized assessments measure about 2.3% of the classroom period for the regular eighth-grader in public school. Between pre-K and 12th grade, administrators removed 112 mandatory standardized exams.


A congregation of dedicated professionals, whom I consider the mentors that have shaped me to be a very profound person throughout this process. Without them, I would not have changed my lenses of thinking, processing, and researching words presented in this phenomenon. I want to extend my sincere gratitude to Dr. Efrat, Director of Curriculum, Advocacy, and Policy at National Louis University. You will never understand, nor do I have the words to express how grateful I am for your prompt feedback, gentle guidance, patience, and dedication you showed me. You will always hold a special place in my heart. Dr. Rashid, your good conversations and knowledge across the doctoral program have been a treasured gem. Dr. Elkordy, you rescued me through your gentle guidance in dissecting survey data. You gave me confidence and showed me how to make my topic relevant through data collection. A special thank you to Dr. Terry Smith for her monthly doctoral meetings that kept me on track and provided a plethora of resources during the dissertation journey.

Also, I was part of the phenomenal National Louis support group (Dis Crew). As deaths, a pandemic, and other life challenges happened, we never stopped supporting each other. I did not take off my shoes.

This journey began because I remembered my late father, George Walker, telling me that I would go far in school. My late mother recently passed, saying how proud she was about my journey but could not hold on anymore. My heart aches for them both, but I know they are in a better place. Also, I was blessed with one brilliant brother and five sensational sisters who have been very supportive during this long journey.

Working full-time and pursuing a doctorate can be overwhelming, but Mr. Prado, Ms. Shimkus, my twin/Yepez, and Ms. Torrez, you made my teaching days full of joy. Keeping me on task, printing documents, and sharing a cocktail or two released so much day-to-day stress.

“The Girls” you have been a sisterhood that everyone wishes they had. I will never forget how you encourage me to travel to a foreign country to work on my dissertation, and it was just what I needed to gain new insight. Your support has made my good time better and my hard times easier.

There were so many sacrifices made during this journey, but the Six Pack stepped in to make sure I maintain direction and a peaceful mind. Dickey, Lisa, Monique, Forrest, you are my guardian angels. When times were hard, I remember Lisa giving me a theme song, “Get your blessing” by Mary Mary. She followed up with Go get it, girl; I knew she meant my doctorate. Being a woman of faith there were so many times Monique offered or I requested her prayers of conviction to sooth my soul. Those prayers offered me safety, peace, and comfort in times of uncertainty.

Over twenty years ago, I left a high-paying job to become a teacher. Although I miss the perks, I thought I would lose the one thing that meant so much to me, My BFF Gail. Well, that did not happen. She has been my ride-or-die for more than two decades. She makes me want to be a better person. She makes me feel inspired, and we inspire each other to do better.

I saved the two most important ones for the last. Aundra Sr. and Aundra Jr. have missed meals, I have missed special events, and you have been my rock. Your encouragement gave me strength, your love gave me power, and your patience saw me through. You lifted me when I felt that this journey was too much; you loved me during my snappiest.

Baby Dre,

“No one else will ever know the strength of my love for you. After all, you are the only one who knows what my heart sounds like from the inside.”


Throughout all of life’s troubles, you have been there without fail. Life with you has indeed become a beautiful fairy tale.
