Degree Date
Document Type
Dissertation - Public Access
Degree Name
Ed.D. Doctor of Education
Academic Discipline
Educational Leadership
First Advisor
Carol A. Burg
Second Advisor
James L. Schott
Third Advisor
Joan Q. Minnis
With a large disparity in the rate of suspension incidents received between African American and White students, it is evident why there still exists a gap in academic achievement. Too often we rely heavily on out of school suspensions as a consequence for student misbehavior. This approach leads to students falling behind academically and feeling less connected to their learning environment. My study takes a close look into establishing district policy to help each middle school offer a balanced approach to addressing student discipline in order to improve behavior and increase the amount of instructional time that African American middle school students receive.
Recommended Citation
Craun, Derrik, "A Balanced Approach: Advocating for Middle School Improvement that Levels the Playing Field" (2014). Dissertations. 94.
Included in
Educational Leadership Commons, Elementary and Middle and Secondary Education Administration Commons