Degree Date


Document Type

Dissertation - Public Access

Degree Name

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Academic Discipline

Reading, Language and Literacy

First Advisor

Ruth Quiroa

Second Advisor

Mary Hoch

Third Advisor

Geri Chesner


Writing is a complex task, especially for elementary school writers; motivation in writing leads to greater writing performance and writing quality. Teachers enter their careers underprepared to teach writing and have to seek out professional development on writing for themselves. Technology can be leveraged in the elementary writing classroom, but it is an under researched area. The Digital Feedback Protocol is a case study dissertation study with an embedded professional development opportunity that supports teachers to implement a protocol for students to provide digital feedback to each other’s writing. The study was conducted with four third grade teachers and their 49 students. Overall, average student motivation increased from the beginning to end of the intervention, with boys having higher levels of motivation. Tabulation of student survey results found that students reported having positive emotions 94.5% of the time after leaving feedback for their peers. Students reported positive emotions 86.7% of the time after receiving feedback from peers. Teachers self-reported that implementation was a positive experience. In interviews teachers reported that it was “concrete and easy” to implement and allowed students to move beyond providing surface level feedback to each other.
