Degree Date
Document Type
Dissertation - Public Access
Degree Name
Ed.D. Doctor of Education
Academic Discipline
Educational Leadership
First Advisor
Mark Larson
Second Advisor
Tema Okun
Third Advisor
Harrington Gibson
This policy advocacy paper, the third part of a series on professional development (PD) in the charter management organization KIPP NYC, argues for the development and implementation of a Teacher Career Pathways structure. The recommended policy change would recognize senior and master teachers who plan to remain in the classroom for the longevity of their careers. This structure allows teachers to design their own professional development plans, provides them with a stipend to participate in high-quality PD, and expands their reach to other teachers who will in turn benefit from the former’s instructional leadership. This advocacy document analyzes the educational, economic, social, political, moral, and ethical need for such a change. After describing the policy, it examines the challenges that may result from its implementation. Implementation and assessment plans are also described.
Recommended Citation
Field, Amber, "Empowerment, Ownership, and Authentic Professional Learning: Meeting the Needs of Our Teachers Through Career Pathways" (2015). Dissertations. 117.
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