Degree Date


Document Type

Thesis- Public Access

Degree Name

M.A. Master of Arts

Academic Discipline


First Advisor

Judah Viola Ph.D.

Second Advisor

Raymond Legler Ph.D.

Third Advisor

Claudia Pitts Ph.D.


Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder is a commonly diagnosed disorder for both children (and today adults). The literature discusses how ADHD is defined as research continues, the symptoms demonstrated by those diagnosed, how it has been known to affect their main life areas e.g. home, school, social relationships, and how it is assessed, diagnosed and treated. However, reading the literature does not give the reader a sense of the real life perception of ADHD. Children with ADHD and parents of children with ADHD participated in an interview consisting of nine open ended questions. The results were found to be consistent with the literature and the commonalities among each of the participants. Similarities that emerged in the findings were the ages the children were when they began to show similar symptoms that led to the diagnosis, the participants’ personal views on medication and therapy, and their efforts of coping with ADHD exhibiting that life with the disorder is not an easy life but an ongoing process that gets better with time.

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Psychology Commons
