Degree Date


Document Type

Dissertation - Public Access

Degree Name

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Academic Discipline

Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Carla Sparks

Second Advisor

Dr. Christine McMullan


3DE Schools by Junior Achievement is a framework for instruction designed to reshape the instructional ecosystem through a high school model that uses project-based learning and case-study methodology to help students acquire core competencies. The context of this inquiry includes various states in America where 3DE Schools are implemented. I utilized a mixed methods approach to collect data and gauge the influence of the 3DE instructional framework on students' readiness for college and career pursuits. Key outcomes showed that students in 3DE cohorts scored higher in math and English than the national average, contributing to an overall higher graduation rate among 3DE cohorts. My primary recommendation is to replicate the 3DE model in high schools throughout the United States.
