Degree Date


Document Type

Dissertation - Public Access

Degree Name

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Academic Discipline

Educational Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Harrington Gibson

Second Advisor

Dr. Christine Nelson

Third Advisor

Dr. Don Angelaccio


Historically, Black students have been on the receiving end of punitive consequences at disproportionate rates when compared to other racial groups, especially White students. Some leaders in Chicago Public Schools (CPS) are aware of the negative impact of the inequitable discipline practices that are evident in the disproportionate out-of-school suspension rates and how such practices contribute to opportunity gaps for Black students. After the launch of the district’s Equity Framework, evidence of inequitable discipline practices still exists, as the out-of-school suspension data show the rate for African American students is nearly three times greater than that of other racial groups enrolled in CPS. The district’s out-of-school suspension data lead to the question: How much does the CPS Equity Framework influence inequitable disciplinary practices? This qualitative study analyzed publicly available data, including suspension rates, the Student Code of Conduct, and the district’s Equity Framework. Additionally, the perspectives of former administrators (network chiefs and principals), deans, teachers, social and emotional specialists, school psychologists, and community partners were examined to understand the framework’s effects comprehensively. The results of this study showed that the district’s Equity Framework has not had the intended impact on inequitable discipline practices. Enhancing the effect of the district’s Equity Framework on inequitable discipline practices in schools will require district leaders to provide multiple learning sessions for all staff to ensure they are knowledgeable of the district’s equity goals and how they apply to school discipline, intentionally provide restorative practices coaching and supports for designated discipline leaders in all schools, and strengthen communication regarding teaching and responding to student behavior with cultural competence.

Available for download on Sunday, January 10, 2027
