Elizabeth Harrison’s Writings
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These talks for mothers and teachers were given before my classes in Chicago and elsewhere. They are now published at the earnest request of the members of those classes, and are nearly in the same form as when given, which accounts for the number of anecdotes illustrating different points, as well as the frequency of personal reminiscence. Fully aware of their many defects, but knowing well that "charity covereth a multitude of sins", I give them with a loving heart to the mothers of America. I hope that the thought underlying them will be as helpful to others in the understanding of little children as it has been to me. I trust that these pages may lead each reader to a deeper study of Frobel's thought.
Publication Date
Chicago Kindergarten College
Kindergarten, Children, Froebel, Elizabeth Harrison
Education | Pre-Elementary, Early Childhood, Kindergarten Teacher Education | Teacher Education and Professional Development
Recommended Citation
Harrison, Elizabeth, "A Study of Child-Nature: From the Kindergarten Standpoint" (1895). Elizabeth Harrison’s Writings. 21.
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