Degree Date


Document Type

Dissertation - Public Access

Degree Name

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

Academic Discipline

Higher Education Leadership

First Advisor

Dr. Jaclyn K. Rivard

Second Advisor

Dr. Jamal Scott

Third Advisor

Dr. Voula Erfourth


This qualitative phenomenological study aimed to understand if Gen X parents are motivating their Gen Z students' college choice not to attend community college. The few studies that focused on parent involvement in choosing a community college did not focus on the generational differences between parents and their children when it came to college choice, they also did not focus on whether parents influenced their children to attend community college or not (Bers, 2005; Bers & Galowich, 2002).

The study explored Ajzen’s Theory of Planned Behavior and how his theory and the college choice process are intertwined during the college choice process. The data this study uncovered provided a deeper understanding of why parents and students are not choosing to attend a community college as their pathway to a degree. This study provides specific biases and desires that influence a person's college choice. Community colleges can offer students a solid education with much of the experience that students and parents perceive only four-year institutions offer. Community college administration and staff can stop the perpetuating generational cycle of the negative perception that plagues their reputation.

Why Not Community College as a Pathway to a Degree.pdf (981 kB)
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